Own your
green future
- Cheap access to infrastructure and utilities is a solid foundation for healthy economic development.
- Making infrastructure and utilities an investor-owned profit-center or a geopolitical tool undermines healthy community development.
Policy statement
We believe that the community should own its own green solutions. Instead of distant owners draining profit out of you, communities should aim to become self-sufficient.
Many communities are paying exorbitant prices for imported drinking water, extracted and bottled from far away. They pay high tariffs for power, generated and distributed from investor-owned distant power plants. But with the new generation of green technologies, this can all change.
Véhub™ offers solutions that reduce the cost burden on communities from day one. Even during repayment of the solution, you are saving money on power and water. And when the solution is repaid, you are down to operational cost. No more money draining out of your community.
Instead, you and your community can now use the green transition as steppingstones to start building your green and prosperous local economy.
Community ownership means that the economic potential of the green transition belongs to you.
Det spiller da egentlig meget fedt indtil videre .. ! 😉
Hvad sker der for knapperne?
Laver I også rumstationer? Eller er det noget man skal bestille særskilt… Kunne godt tænke mig en sølvfarvet flyver til når jeg skal besøge venner sydpå. Måske med et fedt logo på. 🙂 🙂 🙂
Min kæreste har fået veer!!!!! Skal jeg ringe 112?
Prøv lige at slap lidt af folkens. I spammer for vildt. Hold jer til emnet. Det handler om grøn omstilling bæredygtig teknologi, og I ævler løs om alt muligt andet som ikke har noget som helst med emnet at gøre. Jeg foreslår at der kommer en person og modererer denne her tråd omgående. Og så synes jeg at der mangler noget dokumentation for certifikatet omkring denne her hjemmeside. Hvor ser jeg hvilken energi teknologi som hjemmesiden kører på? Det kunne ligeså godt være diesel, eller værre endnu. STENKUL. What the actual fuck … Men horn til Niels og de andre grønskollinger. 😉
These rocks are really stoned …