The Vésolutions at a glance

Vécycle™ offers state‑of‑the‑art biogas plants scaled for community use or on‑farm application.

Biogas is an excellent green source of energy ensuring local nutrient circularity, reducing emissions and cleaning up your local environment.

❯ Read more on Vécycle™

Vépower™ offers community‑scale power solutions based on renewable sources like wind and solar.

This is the perfect way of meeting your own power needs in an affordable way, as well as contributing to the green transition.

❯ Read more on Vépower™

Véwater™ offers solar‑powered water utilities providing clean drinking water produced locally at a fraction of the price of bottled water.

Become self‑sufficient in drinking water and stop sending profits out of your community.

❯ Read more on Véwater™